Please complete the preproposal submission form for either of the following instances:
Collection of new data, whether directly from participants or from previously collected samples or other sources (e.g., medical records), as part of a new external funding application.
Analysis of existing data as part of a new external funding application, for which RTI's Data Coordinating and Analysis Center (DCAC) services will be requested (e.g., analysis by a DCAC statistician or preparation of a unique dataset).
Investigators who are not yet affiliated with nuMoM2b-HHS2 are encouraged to propose ancillary studies and submit a preproposal submission form. These investigators will need to identify a sponsoring nuMoM2b-HHS2 investigator. Preproposals will be reviewed on a continual basis and the applicants will be notified of review results within two weeks. Approved preproposals will be invited to submit a complete proposal application for scientific review.